Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Get Publishing 2009...A Roaring Success

My heartfelt thanks to the hardest working volunteers in the world (writerly hyperbole but it may actually be true). This year's Get Publishing conference in Edmonton was incredibly energizing, informative and fun. There was just the right amount of information, schmoozing and having a laugh with some friends. I mean, there was a great keynote by a South African publisher and a live performance by a Brazilian band and a Capoeria demonstration. What more could you want? It's actually difficult to believe it all happened (and so much more) in just one Saturday.

Aside from the information I gleaned from the sessions and from informal chats with presenters, it was a special priviledge to meet so many of the attendees and hear about their many exciting projects in their heads and in progress. As my co-presenter, Tracy Hyatt, put it: The attendees should have been presenting their knowledge to us, the "experts." I am completely energized by the range of writing projects that were talked about in the formal sessions and over coffee breaks.

I'll post specific gleanings from the conference in future posts. (I'm taking some of my advice that I so confidently doled out in my session on blogging...keep it short, and post more often. I'll try to follow my own advice.)

The above flickr photostream is courtesy of photographer Marilyn Jones of mediamag.ca (full website coming soon) and the Get Publishing group.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Blogging about Talking about Blogging

The Get Publishing Conference kicks off today.

I'm looking forward to the event and I'll be talking about blogging and on-line publishing tomorrow at one of the sessions along with my colleagues Tracy Hyatt of Westworld magazine and Mading Ngor, editor of the New Sudan Vision a non-profit Website. Should be fun. I'll report back!