Sunday, November 16, 2008

Here's the list of Food Writing Resources so far...

The reason I tend to wait to hand-out the ever-useful list of all those great essential food writing books, websites and magazines, is that the list usually doubles with suggestions from in-class.

So, here's the list I started. There are some more additions to be made given our discussion from yesterday. Please feel free to suggest others we may have missed. On Wednesday I'll finish the final compilation and send it to The Writing Works to photocopy for us. I'll bring the copies next Saturday. Some of the links are active. I'll make them all live by the end of the day. (I forgot that I promised to help my husband with some stuff first thing this morning! Ooops.)


Eat Your Words 2008: Resource Sheet

Essential Resources:
• The New Food Lover's Companion, 4th edition (2007), Sharon Tyler Herbst, $15, softcover. Barron’s Educational Series.

• The New Wine Lover’s Companion, 2nd edition (2003), Ron Herbst and Sharon Tyler Herbst, $15, softcover. Barron’s Educational Series.

• The New Food Lover’s Tiptionary: More Than 6,000 Food and Drink Tips, Secrets, Shortcuts, and Other Things Cookbooks Never Tell You, Sharon Tyler Herbst, $26, softcover (2002). William Morrow Publishing.

• The Recipe Writer’s Handbook: revised and expanded, Barbara Gibbs Ostmann and Jane L. Baker, $20, softcover. John Wiley and Sons, 2001.

• Will Write for Food: The Complete Guide to Writing Cookbooks, Restaurant Reviews, Articles, Memoir, Fiction and More…, Dianne Jacob, $21.50. Marlowe and Company, 2005.

• A good English language dictionary such as the Canadian Oxford Dictionary. Ask the editor / publication for whom / for which you are writing for the name(s) of the dictionary and or style guide he or she / it adheres to.

• Periodic Writers Association of Canada for information on current freelance markets to copyright info and ready-made writing contracts. If you qualify, you may consider joining. The membership fee for an individual is $240 / year.
PWAC’s sister site is a searchable database for PWAC-member writers and lists current pay rates for freelance writers.

• Canadian Authors Association / Alberta branch . Benefits: monthly meetings, newsletters, the national CAA conference, mentoring and professional development opportunities. Annual fees $157.50 / year for individual members or a $50 student fee.

• The Writer’s Guild of Alberta . Benefits: Bi-monthly magazine, manuscript reading services, support information, networking, workshops and retreats. Membership is $60 per year or $30 for students and seniors.

• Cuisine Canada a national association of food professionals (writers included). Annual cookbook awards and food media awards. $39.90 annual dues.

• The International Association of Culinary Professionals a US-based association of culinary professionals. Benefits: the big annual conference every year, many major publication editors and publishers are members; IACP cookbook and writing awards (non-members can submit entries) and general food news. Dues: $270, ($220 annual dues, plus $50 initiation fee).

• James Beard House insider’s access to the New York food scene and James Beard Awards.

• Slow Food began in Italy but has gone worldwide. Their manifesto states that "A firm defense of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life" and is committed to protecting regional cuisines, artisanal food products and indigenous food sources. For information on the Edmonton chapter, contact Mary Bailey at 431-1802 / .

• Introduce yourself to local tourism organizations / tourism representatives. They can help you generate story ideas and find contacts for stories. For instance, Travel Alberta / In Province sends out regular bulletins of up-coming press trips in Alberta and story ideas.

Good food & drink reading:
• Best Food Writing 2007, edited by Holly Hughes, published by Marlowe and Company, $16, softcover. (annual series)

• On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, 2nd edition 2004), Harold McGee, published by Harper Collins, now in softcover.

• Becoming a Chef, Culinary Artistry and Dining Out, Andrew Dornenburg and Karen Page, Wiley and Sons, $41.95, softcover. Great resources on North American food and restaurant culture.

• City Palate magazines , in both Edmonton and Calgary. Published 6 times per year. Free pickups or available by subscription.

• City Food magazine West Coast and Pacific NW foodie periodical, published 5 times per year. Free pickup or avail by subscription.

• The Edible Prairie Journal magazine (, avail by subscription. Food Arts magazine (available at Hub Cigar and Front Page downtown) for cutting edge restaurant trends and news. (Especially the December issue each year.)

• Food & Wine magazine, , for hot trends and the current food writing style of first person singular, present tense, widely available.

• Saveur magazine, , for food trends but more of the literary element of food writing.

• Gastronomica magazine, . Literary food and drink writing. The tag line is: “The pleasures and aesthetics of food combined with the latest in food studies, food, culture, and society.”

• Wine Spectator for wine education and good food writing, especially restaurant reviews; widely available.

• The New Yorker magazine for good food writing, trends, people profiles. Every September, the New Yorker publishes a “food issue.”

• Air Canada’s EnRoute magazine publishes a very successful Annual Food Issue every November <>

• Cook’s Illustrated for investigative recipe writing,

• Food writers living and dead you may want to read: Jeffrey Steingarten, Anthony Bourdain, Bill Buford, Adam Gopnik, Malcolm Gladwell, MFK Fisher, Elizabeth David, Laurie Colwin, Margaret Visser, Harold McGee, Michael Pollan, Ruth Reichl…

Online Food Sites of Note
Local Sites

Food Message Boards, News & Trend-spotting

Food Writers and Good Foodwriting On-line

Professional Development:
• The Symposium for Professional Food Writers, a Professional food writers and editors only, limited to 90 attendees, May 11 to 15, 2009, for more info go to

• Any good writing course, especially ones that focus on developing essay writing skills for those who wish to write for newspapers and magazines.

• Enter writing competitions, nominate your writing for awards.

1 comment:

carol stanley said...

Lots of good foodie ideas. I am getting hungry just reading about it all..carol stanley author of For Kids 59.99& Over